Retailers' magic potion

The marketing assistant that strengthens the success, independence and creativity of retailers

Creation : 2017
Investment : 2022

What if we could turn visits into long-term relationships ?
Pongo erases all the frictions in the customer journey : no app to download, no loyalty card to carry, no registration form to fill in. With a touchscreen integrated to the point-of-sale, Pongo helps merchants to create different types of customer engagement systems (game contests, loyalty programs, sponsorship, private events…etc).
Customers easily sign up and check in with their phone number and are rewarded for their loyalty. Pongo helps merchants by sending automated text messages via SMS chatbot to collect more accurate customer information and offer incentives to bring back lost customers.

The marketing assistant that strengthens the success, independence and creativity of retailers

Creation : 2017
Investment : 2022

What if we could turn visits into long-term relationships ?
Pongo erases all the frictions in the customer journey : no app to download, no loyalty card to carry, no registration form to fill in. With a touchscreen integrated to the point-of-sale, Pongo helps merchants to create different types of customer engagement systems (game contests, loyalty programs, sponsorship, private events…etc).
Customers easily sign up and check in with their phone number and are rewarded for their loyalty. Pongo helps merchants by sending automated text messages via SMS chatbot to collect more accurate customer information and offer incentives to bring back lost customers.

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